

Laboratory for Dialogue of Cultures – an interdisciplinary, long-term cultural programme of the Villa Decius Association

The Laboratory for the Dialogue of Cultures is a comprehensive program planned until 2022. It contains three main components: “Literary Center”, “Platform for Intercultural Dialogue” and “Renaissance as a space for cultural dialogue”. The interdisciplinary character of the project allows for a multifaceted look at the role of culture in the contemporary world and addressing issues related to international cultural and scientific cooperation, including management methods and sources of funding culture.



The programme will include events for the citizens of Krakow, tourists, as well as representatives of cultural and scientific environments from all over Poland, Europe and the world. The projects that take place within the framework of the Laboratory for Dialogue of Cultures have a very diverse character, subject matter, forms and methods of implementation. Thanks to this, it will be possible to develop model solutions, which will then be shared and disseminated.


All events will take place within the palace and park complex of Villa Decius in Krakow, free of charge!


Projects implemented within the framework of the Laboratory for Dialogue of Cultures 2019-2022:


The Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002-2003)


The award was established by the Villa Decius Association in 2003 and is under the honorary patronage of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, HE Ambassador of Brazil and HE Ambassador of Sweden. It is awarded annually for activities aimed at peaceful coexistence and cooperation of societies, religions and cultures in two categories: I – Person, II – Non-Governmental Organization.


The project promotes Krakow as a city of freedom, open to intercultural dialogue and promotes and disseminates human rights and civil liberties, as well as activities supporting the development of democracy on a regional, national and international platform.


PL-EU Forum


Diplomatic cooperation and meetings in the field of intercultural dialogue with the participation of diplomats, leading experts, intellectuals and publicists from Poland and various European countries focused on the most current issues of the European civilization and the promotion of Polish and European artists and cultural heritage of Krakow.


The Renaissance Route


The project will include topics related to objects of high historical value in Krakow, which will be led by experts and specialists in such fields as: architecture, history, art history, who will present issues related to the Renaissance culture in its widest meaning.


Write The Game


The project includes 12 days long Visegrad Academy of Computer Games Scripting addressed to 25 young artists from the Czech Republic, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary selected through special recruitment. The Academy will include inspirational lectures, screenwriting workshops, own work on the creation of Quest, individual meetings with mentors and study visits to the most interesting game studios in Krakow.


Visegrad Summer School


Two weeks of workshop for young people from the Visegrad Group and Eastern Europe, implemented annually since 2002. The aim of the project is to improve knowledge about regional and global challenges, eliminate mutual stereotypes, build bridges and friendly contacts. Lectures, workshops and debates are conducted by eminent experts representing various fields of knowledge and public activity. Apart from experts and intellectuals, we host Ambassadors, Ministers, representatives of the European Union, academia, politicians, businessmen, journalists, artists, representatives of administration, local government and non-governmental organizations.




A series of literary meetings – integration and activation and use of knowledge, competencies and potential of seniors and residents of Krakow for the development of the closest surroundings and local communities. Creating interest groups, initiating joint events and participation in social life. Involvement of participants in an intensive creative process and participation and co-creation of events





See also