
The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) – headed by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq, UNAMI is mandated to advise and assist the Government and people of Iraq on inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation, the electoral process and in the planning for a national census, facilitating regional dialogue, and promoting the protection of human rights, judicial and legal reform. UNAMI has played a crucial role in providing significant support in the drafting of the Iraq’s 2005 Constitution, assisting in six elections and coordinating UN humanitarian efforts. After having successfully helped establish, train and advise Iraqi first High Electoral Commission, the Mission is currently assisting the Government establish an Independent High Commission for Human Rights to promote and protect the rights of all Iraqi people according to international standards. UNAMI is headquartered in Baghdad with offices inside Iraq (Erbil, Basra and Kirkuk) and outside the country, in Kuwait, Amman and Teheran.


See also