
Aleksandr Milinkevich – holds a Ph.D. in mathematics and physics; Assistant Professor of the Grodno State University and the University in Algiers. In 1990-1996 he was a Deputy Chairman of the Grodno City Executive Committee for Culture, Education, Medicine, Sport, Youth and International Relations. From 1996 he acted as the President of the Grodno District Social Association “Ratusz” which was shut down by a court order in 2003. Leader of the Belarus opposition. Founder and leader of the “Movement for Freedom”. He was the candidate of whole democratic opposition in presidential elections of 2006. Honorary member of the Union of Poles in Belarus. Laureate i.a. of the Sacharow Prize (2006), and the Casimir Pulaski Foundation: Knight of Freedom Award for promoting freedom, justice and democracy (2007).


See also