
Sister Rafaela – Urszula Nałęcz – Polish missionary and pedagogue, creator of missionary educational centres in India, Republic of South Africa and Rwanda. In her work she is particularly focused on providing help to orphaned and blind children. In 1954 she joined the Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Cross and took her vows in 1963. She worked for the Educational and Training Centre at Laski and cooperated with the Primate’s Committee for People Deprived of their Freedom and their Families. As a missionary and pedagogue, she worked in India, where she founded a centre for blind children; first an orphanage and then a primary boarding school. She also helped orphans and the blind in the Republic of South Africa. It is thanks to her hard work that the first centre of its type was created in Rwanda, under the name of The Kibeho Educational Centre for the Blind. Her work was recognized by President of the Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski who awarded her with the Officer’s Cross of Polonia Restituta. Holder of Bene Merito Distiction of Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Laureate of the PONTIFICI – Building Bridges Award issued by the Warsaw Catholic Intelligence Club for „merits in promoting the values of common good, dialogue and sacrifices made for others”.


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