
Our publications

  • “SAGA: Heroes of Everyday Life”

  • 10th Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002-2003)

    The publication is devoted to the 10th edition of the Polish Prize of Sergio Veira de Mello, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002 – 2003). The distinction has been awarded for ten years to people and non-governmental organizations for activities devoted to peaceful co-existence and co-functioning of communities, religions and cultures.

  • Magazyn literacki „Radar”, 9/2013

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish.

  • The Roma people in the arts

    The Roma people have always been present in the culture or the nations they lived amongst, which resulted in their depictions in various arts, including painting. The publication presents reproductions of paintings and graphic art by Polish and Roma artists from the collection of the District Museum in Tarnow, and a unique private collection of post cards made available by Andrzej Grzymała-Kazłowski.


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  • Flamenco – under the black moon, or the musical legacy of the Roma people.

    For a few years now the Villa Decius Association has been actively participating in the celebrations of the International Roma Day in Krakow, organising themed meetings on various aspects of the Roma culture. They aim to support the process of shaping attitudes based on respect for minorities, among other things by focusing on the cultural richness of the Roma people.  The project entitled “Roma Music. Flamenco.” Implemented in 2013 by the Vila Decius Association, in substantive collaboration with the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University, focused on Roma music.


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  • Literary magazine „Radar”, issue 8/2013

    The eighth issue of the literary magazine entitled “Radar”, published by the Villa Decius Association. The premiere had its place in Lviv during the 20th Forum of Publishers (September 10 – 15, 2013). The issue includes a text entitled “Felix Austria” of Sophia Andruchowytsch about searching for the Galician spirit in the scenery of Nowa Huta; a report by Ziemowit Szczerek entitled “Wakacje w Apokalipsie”, as well as a nostalgic story of Vasyl Makhno about “a land where people spoke seven languages and chickens, even though they did not fly, could speak at least three languages.” Highly recommended.


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  • Literary magazine „Radar”, issue 7/2013

    The seventh issue of the magazine entitled “Radar”, published by the Villa Decius Association: this time, it is even more trans-border and multicultural than ever. We invited authors from Belarus such as Valzhina Mort, Andrei Fiedarenka and Uladsimir Arlou to cooperate with us. We also present writers, or to be more precise, female writers with interesting and complicated biographies who made a strong impression in their text. Have a good read!


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  • Literary magazine „Radar”, issue 6/2012

    Sixth issue of the three-language literary magazine published by the Villa Decius Association dedicated to the famous author from Drohobych – Bruno Schultz. In the special edition of “Radar”, we decided to take a look at Schultz from a different angle. Two Polish writers of the middle generation write about their fascination in Schultz’s texts: Mariusz Sienkiewicz (Gnomic Prophet of Modern Times) and Marcin Wroński (Second Book of Schultz).


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