Judith Arlt, the Swiss translator of Polish literature, the leading expert on Polish contemporary literature. She has lived in Berlin. Marc Degens, a writer, critic and musician of the German pop band Superschiff, editor of the Internet culture magazine satt.org . He represents the idea of literature at supermarkets. Tanja Dückers, a writer, poet, journalist. The winner of numerous literary awards. (i.e. German Kargo Europa 2002 Prize). Wolfram Gernot, a writer and journalist. He has published poems and stories in magazines and written plays for both radio and theatre. Samuels Reise is his initial novel. Helga Hirsch, the German writer and journalist, whose work focuses on individual biographies of expelled persons.
Armin Petras, alias Fritz Kater, a director and playwright. In Krakow he worked on the production based on the texts by the Polish writer Marek Hłasko for Teatr Stary. Martin Pollack, the Austrian writer , essayist, publicist, translator, researcher and enthusiast of Galicia. Lothar Quinkenstein, the German writer, works at the university in Poznań (the Faculty of German philology ). Robert Tahlheim, a film director. In Krakow he worked on the film about Oswiecim (the town and its inhabitants).