
Our publications

  • Conversations in Villa Decius 6. Rebuilding Peace in Post-conflict Communities. Role of media and Civil Organisations.

    The sixth volume of the Conversations in Villa Decius series includes the most important speeches, discussions and reflections presented during the international conference “Rebuilding Peace in Post-Conflict Communities. The Role of Media and Civil Organizations. The book is published in the English language.


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  • Zona

    This publication summarises the international project focusing on how the borders have influenced the lives of young people in the countries on both sides of the Eastern EU border. As a response to this question the journalists and photographers from Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Russia and Ukraine presented 20 reportages (press and photo) within the framework of the joint exhibition in 2005. The catalogue is published in English thanks to the financial support of the European Cultural Foundation.


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  • Multiculturalism in Everyday Life – Manuals for the teachers

    The publication includes the best lesson plans and scenarios chosen by the members of the jury within the framework of the project “Multiculturalism in Everyday Life”. These materials are targeted at the teachers who adopt multicultural education practices, in particular in the small towns within the Malopolska region. The publication in the Polish language was published in cooperation with the ZNAK Foundation and the British Council.


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  • Non violent revolutions

    The seventh volume of the Conversations in Villa Decius series includes the most important speeches, discussions and reflections presented during the international conference “Non-violent revolutions”. The conference was held in Villa Decius in October 2005. The conference served emphasising the role of moral and ethical values that inspire in people the indispensable courage to initiate change. Especially close attention was paid to the term ‘solidarity’ and what it means in confronting an authoritarian regime or dictatorship. The book was published in Polish thanks to the financial support of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University College.


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  • Villa Decius 10 years

    This brochure was published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the restoration of Villa Decius. It briefly presents the Villa’s history, its purposes and activities. The brochure is published both in Polish and English thanks to financial support of the following companies: PKO BP, BP, SPL, Wydawnictwo Literackie publishing house and Leyko printing house.


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  • Villa Decius. Locus amoenus

    The publication contains photographs depicting the key events of the recent 10 years of the Villa Decius Association, including the most outstanding figures and invitees of the Villa Decius programmes.


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  • Society of Dialogue

    The eight volume of the “Conversations in Villa Decius” series includes the most important speeches and reflections presented during the international conference, which took place 12-13 October 2006. The conference served strengthening of a democratic state of law and civil society through a promotion of an intercultural dialogue and shaping attitudes of openness to the Other. This book was published in Polish thanks to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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  • Intercultural Education in Poland in the Face of New Challenges. Collective work, edited by Artur Paszko

    Publication serves as a meeting platform for researchers and practitioners in the areas where academic education is intertwined with the educational practice.


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