Everybody is welcome to submit their nomination applications to the 11th edition of the Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002-2003). Applications of candidates to the Prize will be accepted until June 30 this year. Registration takes place electronically – nomination applications are to be completed online on the website www.mello.villa.org.pl. The announcement of results and the ceremony of presenting the Prize will take place on October 23, 2014 at Villa Decius during an international conference.
The Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002-2003) was established upon the initiative of the Villa Decius Association in 2003. It is awarded to persons and non-governmental organizations for their activities for the sake of peaceful co-existence and cooperation of societies, religions and cultures. Candidates to the Prize may be persons and institutions from Poland and abroad by the Panel of Judges composed of High Representatives of: the President of the Republic of Poland; UN High Commissioner for Refugees; Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to Poland; Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Poland; Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Institute of National Remembrance; Polish Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection, Embassies, Consulates and Foundations supporting actions of the Villa Decius Association in matters related to human rights; Founders of the Prize; Chairman and Director of the Villa Decius Association.
Submit your application
Laureates of the Prize:
- Tadeusz Mazowiecki (Poland) and the ‘One World’ Association (Poland), 2004
- Father Marian Żelazek SVD (India) and the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe (Poland), 2005
- Alaksandr Milinkiewicz (Belarus) and Jewish Culture Festival (Poland), 2006
- Maryna Hulia (Russian Federation-Poland) and the Magurycz Association (Poland), 2007
- Krystyna Pryjomko-Serafin (United Kingdom) and Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland); Honorary Prize – Szewach Weiss (Izrael) and Distinction of the Panel of Judges – Michał Żejmis (Poland), 2008
- Fatos Lubonja (Albania) and United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (Iraq); Honorary Prize – Leopold Unger (Belgium-Poland), 2009
- Nagy El-Khoury i Mohammad al-Nokkari (Lebanon) and the ‘Memorial’ Association (Russian Federation); Honorary Prize – Late Andrzej Przewoźnik (Poland), 2010
- Hassan Omar Hassan (Kenya) and the Halina Niec Legal Aids Centre (Poland); Honorary Prize – Bernard Kouchner (France), 2011
- Sister Rafael – Urszula Nałęcz (Rwanda-Poland) and the ‘People in Need’ Association (Czech Republic); Honorary Prize – Arnold Wellman (USA), 2012
- Myrosław Marynowicz (Ukraine) and Denis Hurley Centre (Republic of South Africa); Honorary Prize – Adam Daniel Rotfeld (Poland), 2013.
Grzegorz Morek
ph. +48 12 425 36 38, 425 36 44, 425 36 23