On 27-29 May and 3-5 June, 2014, the two first editions of workshop “Hip Hop! Haters Stop!” took place. They were implemented within the programme “Citizens for Democracy”. The undertaking aims to fight discrimination and language of hatred through self-mockery, humour, music and film.
During the workshop conducted under tutelage of comics, musicians and film makers, teenagers from Lower Secondary School in Ratułów and School No. 27 in Podedwórze were learning stage improvisation and preparing their own sketches based on constructive criticism and lacking language of hatred. Very important element of work was the music part when young people, together with the invited artists, created their own songs. The effect of the two first editions is a song called “Large Dogs Don’t Bark”.
The teenagers decided that a special web portal will soon be created, which will serve as an introduction to achievements of young people participating in the project and promotion of tolerance, equality, exchange of good practice and inspiration, and as a result – fighting language of hatred. During each day of the workshop, the participants were accompanied by camera crew filming all project activities which will be shown in the form of a documentary after all of the editions of the project.
Workshop with students of School No. 27 in Podedwórze (3-5 June, 2014)
Workshop with students from the Prof. Fr.JózefTischnerLowerSecondary School in Ratułów (27-29 May, 2014)