We encourage you to watch the fifth film in the “Condemned to Books” series. This time, the central figure is Marta Dzido – writer, documentary filmmaker, and editor. Author of the “Ślad po mamie” (A Mother’s Trace), “Małż” (Clam), and “Matrioszka” (Matryoshka) novels. Her works have been translated into Vietnamese, Hungarian, and German. Scholarship holder within the framework of the following programmes: Homines Urbani, Młoda Polska, Visegrad Literary Residencies, and the scholarship programme of the Minister of Culture. Graduate of the Łódź Film School. Cinematographer of the “Podziemne państwo kobiet” (Women’s Underground State) documentary. She produced the following documentaries together with Piotr Śliwowski: “Paktofonika – hiphopowa podróż do przeszłości” (Paktofonika – a Hip Hop Journey to the Past), “Downtown – miasto Downów” (Downtown), which received, among others, the Hollywood Eagle Documentary Award and a special award of the Polish Film Institute, and “Solidarność według kobiet” (Solidarity According to Women), which will premiere in December 2014 during the Watch Docs festival.