We are pleased to announce that the Internet site of project “Res Public Reloaded – European Public Spaces as Source of Empowerment”, whose Polish partner is the Villa Decius Association, is operating.
The digital platform – respublicareloaded.eu – initiated an international discussion on the use of the strategy of public art, broadly understood as street art, in constructing institutionalized artistic strategies and new methods of education. The site also allows for exchange of documents, works of art, photographs, video materials, etc.
Each project participant, as well as any party interested in the issue may, via the Internet portal, exchange their experiences on micro-blogs. Eventually, the platform is also going to be used for promotion and documentation of accomplished project results, and the intention is that it is going to continue functioning after the end of the project. The project “Res Publica Reloaded – European Public Spaces as Source of Empowerment” is financed within the Grundtvig programme “Lifelong Learning.”
More about the project on: www.respublicarelouded.eu
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.