
Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for research of the ICORN network

We are pleased to inform that Małgorzata Różańska-Braniecka, Head of the Office of Literature, received the scholarship for a research project entitled The Catalogue of Good Practices in the Management of Scholarship Stays for Artists on the Example of ICORN for the 2nd half of 2014. The project is aimed at developing the cultural staff both within the country and abroad, and disseminating good practices in the management of scholarship stays for artists.




As part of the project, Ms Różańska will make study visits to four cities belonging to the ICORN network (Brussels, Stavanger, Barcelona, Mexico City), where she will conduct a series of interviews with scholarship coordinators and holders, and local partners. Moreover, she will conduct her research in the network’s remaining 35 cities in electronic form. Based on the data obtained, Małgorzata Różańska is planning to compile a catalogue of good practices in the management of artists-in-residence programmes, which will serve other coordinators both in Poland and abroad.


Implemented under Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.



See also