The Malopolska Institute of Culture, in cooperation with Interpret Europe – European Association for Heritage Interpretation, would like to offer you certified interpretive guide (CIG) and interpretive guide trainer (CIGT) courses which are organized within the Cicerone project. The courses are run by internationally recognized experts and dedicated to people who are looking for additional skills in guiding and want to learn innovative techniques of heritage interpretation. As well as for those who would like to become trainers of such skills. The programme of the courses is based on the Interpret Europe methodology, which includes presentations, practical exercises, peer evaluation, and teamwork, offering you the possibility to join the network of professionals in the field of natural and cultural heritage and meet inspiring people. The participants have the opportunity to develop competencies in the field of communication with visitors, as well as to learn practical techniques of sharing and working with heritage.
CIG and CIGT courses (conducted in English):
- June 2018 in beautiful Krakow – a city full of monuments, bustling with cultural life
- Villa Decius – a marvellous Renaissance palace surrounded by an extensive park
- experienced trainers – Thorsten Ludwig and Valya Stergioti
- international group of participants, providing new, exciting contacts
- prices including differences in average income levels in different countries!
Application deadline: 14th May 2018
More information: www.mik.krakow.pl/cicerone/2018
Project coordinator: Katarzyna Baranska – cicerone@mik.krakow.pl