The new season of the Gardens of Creativity 2013, the Theatre and Dance project, is underway. This year’s cycle will open with William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, performed by Teatr Kontra (Spišska Nova Ves, Slovakia), adapted and directed by Klaudyna Rozhin. The performance will take place on Monday, 1 July at 7:00pm at the Castle in Sucha Beskidzka and on Tuesday, 2 July at 7:00pm at Villa Decius. Free passes to the shows are available at InfoKraków (ul. św. Jana 2, The Wyspiański Pavilion – pl. Wszystkich Świętych 2) and before the shows. The number of seats is limited. The event is co-organised by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury (Municipal Cultural Centre) in Sucha Beskidzka.
Projekt finansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Projekt zrealizowano przy wsparciu finansowym Województwa Małopolskiego