
18th Visegrad Summer School in Cracow

Rethink Past & Design Future is the main theme of this year’s School, during which we discuss many topics important for our region. This year it is the 15th anniversary of the Visegrad countries’ accession to the EU, Media and Freedom in Central Europe, the role of Ukraine in today’s Europe, issues related to the migration crisis after 2015 and an introduction to the topic of relations in Central Europe.


During the weekend, participants will take part in a study visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau to face a difficult history and reflect on ways to narrate and commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. The participants will also visit the most beautiful Polish village of Zalipie, where they will discover the traditions of Małopolska’s housewives. On Sunday, they will visit Krakow to learn about dark stories and how the townspeople lived in medieval Krakow.


The second week is devoted to Cultural Diplomacy and intensive workshops in the field of Media, Business and Cultural Heritage.


The Visegrad Summer School will be closed with the awarding of certificates and an evening farewell party at the Strefa Club.

See also