
Indian motives in European ballets. Exhibition opening

The exhibition „Indian motives in European ballets” prepared by Monika Polak-Luścińska, was opened on August 3 in Villa Decius. The collection contained the elements of jewellery, masks and costumes of Indian dancers. The exhibition opening was preceded by the lectures on Indian music and dance. Kinga Malec from the ensemble of Maria Pomianowska disclosed names of particular tones in Indian music as well as the way of creating the compositions to a large audience gathered in the venue. The lecture was finished by illustrative music and the presentation of the traditional instruments such as a tabla (a pair of hand drums) or a hundred string santur played by two wooden sticks. Sanjib Bhattacharya, a teacher of Manipuri dance and the founder of Dance Academy in Delhi, explained the main elements of Indian dance, especially focusing on the rhythm in artist move.

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