The RenEU – New Renaissance in Europe project The Renaissance Trail in Malopolska 2014 project, carried out as part of the Culture Programme 2007-2013 by the Villa Decius Association in cooperation with international partners from four European regions (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France), focuses on conducting activities aimed at the preparation and creation of a common European media communication platform concerning a cultural trail concentrated around the subject of Renaissance-related cultural heritage in the European dimension.
The project’s partners:
- The Region of Tuscany – (Florence, Italy);
- Alhambra and Generalife (the Region of Andalusia, Granada, Spain);
- The Villa Decius Association – (the Region of Malopolska, Krakow, Poland);
- Setepés – an institution operating within the structures of the European civic initiative called “A Soul for Europe” (the Region of Porto, Portugal);
- Mission Val de Loire (an institution cooperating with the Region of Centre and Pays de la Loire, France).
Five thematic trails suggested by the Partners and connected with individual regions will form a common European media communication platform.
At the first stage of the project, during joint working meetings, the suggested cultural trails were thoroughly analysed, with the participation of all the partners. As a result of these activities, the following was achieved:
- the most crucial elements concerning each cultural trail were determined; – historical interconnections between individual regions were determined;
- ways of communicating and addressing information on the trails to relevant target groups were defined;
- tools for creating a common online platform were determined;
- textual and visual materials available on the project’s website were compiled in a coordinated manner, both at the local and European level.
We currently present a draft version of the website, along with the materials concerning the Renaissance Trail in Malopolska, built in cooperation with the Partners. The final result will be the integration of the European trails into a single combined network of interdisciplinary cultural experiences. The event closing the project will be a debate organised in Florence in the form of an open lesson on the Renaissance, cultural trails, and the characteristics of contemporary Europe and the definition of the idea of the new Renaissance as a cultural phenomenon.
· A concept of the project’s website
· Renaissance Trail in Malopolska
Projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu finansowym
Programu Kultura Komisji Europejskiej
Projekt zrealizowano przy wsparciu finansowym Województwa Małopolskiego
w ramach konkursu ofert z turystyki pn. Małopolska Gościnna