On August 1, the “Creative Scholarships 2017” project has started. For three months artists will pursue their literary and artistic projects in the historical annex of the Villa Decius – Łaski House. The “Creative Scholarships 2017” programme is addressed to German writers, literature translators from German to Polish and from Polish to German and its founder is the Polish German Cooperation Foundation.
Antje Bones – a writer and editor from Berlin Kreuzberg. Her way to writing led from working as a freelance editor for children’s television (WDR) in Cologne to the publishing industry in Hamburg. For a couple years she worked as an editor. At last she was responsible for picturebooks and storybooks in a renowned company in Berlin. 2003 she started to write books for children, teenager and young adults that are published by various publishing houses.
Katja Hensel – an actress and author of plays and radio dramas. After co-operation with Schauspiel Essen, Bremer Shakespeare Company, Zürcher Schauspielhaus, Schauspielhaus Bochum and other organisations, she studied dramatic writing at the University of Arts in Berlin. Her plays have been translated into seven languages. She also writes her own plays confronting history and modern times in Europe. She presents them during tours in German-speaking countries, including performances Borderliner. Eine europäische Familienaufstellung and EU only live twice.
Anna Hetzer – a poet; she lives and works in Berlin and studied medicine, philosophy and literature until 2015. She has published texts in magazines and presented lyrics on the radio. In 2016, her debut volume Zwischen den prasselnden Punkten was published by Verlagshaus Berlin. She has been invited, among others, to the Poetry Festival in Berlin, the “Leipzig liest” event and the Lemberg Festival of Literature. She has performed at poetic meetings together with Berliner Autorenkollektiv G13. She regularly organises events in co-operation with Komponist’innen – recently Running out of Words and a cycle of new vocal music concerts.
Jacek Kaduczak – a translator. Studied classical philology at the Wrocław University, works on his doctoral dissertation concerning Translation techniques of theatrical texts. Since 20 years he is focusing on the translation of contemporary German, Austrian, and British drama. In his spare time he is working on the Polish translation of Orsteia. With every translated drama he realizes more and more that “you cannot enter theatre without consequences”.
Marta Kijowska – a journalist, author, translator. She works as a journalist writing for newspapers (e.g., FAZ and NZZ, formerly SZ, Die ZEIT, FOCUS) and radio & TV stations (e.g., BR, SWR, DLF, WDR) on topics related to Polish culture, literature and history. She is the author of a few books and a translator of Polish literature. She worked, among others, as a reviewer in the radio drama section in Bayerischen Rundfunk (1985/86), a Polish language teacher at Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (1986/87) and in a special function at the Goethe-Institut in Warsaw (1991/92). In the years 1987-1991 and 1997-1998, she was an editor of Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon, under which she also supervised the Polish literature department. She has written numerous articles on Polish writers both for this lexicon and other collective works.
Beatrix Katharina Langner – a writer and literary critic. She studied German/English philology at the Humboldt University of Berlin; in 1982 she obtained the degree of Doctor of Philology, and since 1988 she has been the author of radio dramas, literary works, poetry, book reviews and literary portraits for FORUM, Temperamente, Neue Deutsche Literatur (NDL), Berliner Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, TAZ, Frankfurter Rundschau, DeutschlandRadio, LITERATUREN, Kursbuch etc. A member of PEN Deutschland.