We would like to invite everyone to the Satyr albo Dziki Mąż (Satyr or the Wild Man) performance, based on Jan Kochanowski’s satirical and political narrative poem dating back to 1564, on Sunday, 12 October at 6:00 p.m. at Villa Decius.The play premiered on 16 September 2013 in the Renaissance interiors of the residence of Queen Cornaro in Italy during an academic conference organised by Accademia dei Rampanti in Padua.
The play stars Bolesław Brzozowski, Juliusz Chrząstowski, and Rafał Jędrzejczyk, accompanied by lutenist Ireneusz Trybulec and the dancers of the Cracovia Danza Court Ballet.Admission is free with tickets available at the InfoKraków points (ul. św. Jana 2, the Wyspiański Pavilion ‒ pl. Wszystkich Świętych 2) and directly before the event.The number of places is limited.
The event is a part of the Villa Decius Association’s project called “Gardens of Creativity: RenEU New Renaissance in Europe” dedicated to the stage creations incorporated into the historic spaces of Renaissance buildings.