Already for the seventh time the Villa Decius Association offers an internship under the annual programme “Grasz o staż” (play for an internship). In order to gain an internship the candidates have to solve tasks from a chosen field of topics and to present themselves positively in an interview. The winner will have the opportunity to get to know and to create one of the biggest educational ventures of this kind in Central Europe – the Visegrad Summer School.
The internship is provided for one person and will take place in the project office of the Villa Decius Association in Krakow at the end of June and the beginning of July 2009. The internship is related to the realisation of the eighth Visegrad Summer School (28 June till 11 July 2009). The project is addressed to Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students as well as their peers from other Central and Eastern European Countries. It consists of lectures, panel debates and seminars on issues and challenges relevant to the Visegrad Group region, the European Union and beyond. The programme also offers the possibility to meet experts from different areas – scientists, representatives of ministries, journalists, representatives of businesses and NGO’s. As former editions have shown, the Visegrad Summer School is a unique forum to build relations of acceptance, friendship and cooperation between young people, who will form the political, cultural and economic elites of their countries in the near future.
Area of responsibility:
- preparation of material for educational, information and promotion purposes
- logistic support of experts and participants of the project
- assistance at the organisation of study trips in Krakow and the Małopolska region
- documentation of the Project: report, update of the website
- other
Fields of work the trainee can become acquainted with during the internship:
- management of an international project
- logistics and organisation
- guidance of international groups
- promotion, cooperation with the media
- fundraising and reporting
- documentation of a project
- issues connected to regional and European topics, global challenges, international cooperation
Details about the 13th edition of the contest “Grasz o staż” >>>