The second session of Visegrad Academy of Cultural Management (VACuM) took place between 9-18 March 2015 in Prague (Czech Republic). Persons working for public and private institutions and non-governmental organizations in the Visegrad Group countries and Eastern Partnership countries were invited for cooperation.
Each day, classes were conducted by outstanding experts, including: Jean Pierre Deru – Director of Association Marcel Hicter from Belgium, Danuta Glondys – Director of Villa Decius Association, Franco Bianchini – Professor of Cultural Policy and Planning in the Faculty of Arts, Environment and Technology at Leeds Metropolitan University, Bob Palmer – former Director of Culture and Cultural and Natural Heritage at the Council of Europe and many others.
Young managers took also part in meetings with Karla Wursterova – Director of International Visegrad Fun, Petr Hnízdo, Head of the Department of International Relations In Czech Ministry of Culture, Ondřej Hrab – Director of the Archa Theatre, Jana Hudcová, Head of the Tourism Department in the City of Prague, and Tomáš Kafka – Head of the Central Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The project will end a 3-day Diploma Seminar in Tbilisi in September 2015. The organizer of the project is the Villa Decius Association, whereas the strategic founder of the event is the International Visegrad Fund.
The Visegrad Academy of Cultural Managementl is a part of the Platform for Advanced Studies – a project co-financed by Narodowy Bank Polski. The main objective of the project is to develop a platform for advanced studies, which is alternative to regulation studies and is aimed at acquiring advanced knowledge in the area of culture and economics, including the role and mission of the Narodowy Bank Polski, national and European financial policy and shaping of attitudes favourable to international cooperation and the development of entrepreneurship.
The partners of Prague session: Arts and Theatre Institute and Central European Culture Education Institute
This activity is co-financed by the CEI Cooperation Fund.
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