We, i.e. Centuś Krakowski, Gazeciarz Małopolski, Upiór Filharmonii, Duch Nowej Huty and Kraków By Night as well as the rest of the masqueraded community invite you to our exhibition “Masquerade”, which presents “Venetian” masks from Cracow. The exhibition shows works by the members of the Floristic Club of the Garden Society in Cracow representing traditional forms of Venetian masks. These are decorated with motives connected to the architecture, characteristic places and personalities of Krakow. The patronage of the exhibition was taken on by the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Italy in Krakow.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition included the appearance of the Cracovian band “Zespół Muzyki Dawnej Camerata Cracovia” : Marta Trybulec – soprano, Piotr Szewczyk – tenor, Ireneusz Trybulec – lute and Marek Skrukwa – viola da gamba. The programme consisted of ancient Italian and Polish songs. The exhibition is designed for a broad group of recipients. Our aim is to enable the inhabitants of Krakow to get to know the traditional cultural heritage of Italy and to look at local art from a new perspective. The exhibition is presented from 15 February till 5 March 2009. Information about the topic of the exhibition can be found on the websites of the Florisitc Club http://www.to.org.pl and the Villa Decius Association www.villa.org.pl.
Floristic Club of the Garden Society in Krakow
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Italy in Krakow
Klub Florystyczny Towarzystwa Ogrodniczego w Krakowie
Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Wloskiej w Krakowie