On the first day of the shows, our guests included dancing, music, and ballet groups from Poland, Italy, and France, who presented diverse repertoire.A performance in two acts, entitled Summer Frolics and a Feast at Prince Sułkowski’s, was presented as a debut of the “Corona Florum” Court Dance Ensemble of the Rydzyński Castle from Poznań.
- The “Corona Florum” Court Dance Ensemble of the Rydzyński Castle from Poznań
The group was formed in 2013 and is currently the youngest historical dance ensemble in Poland and the only one in Wielkopolska.They specialise in recreating dances from the Enlightenment period, organise educational classes and shows, and deal with broadly-defined culture and above all, with the ceremonial of the Enlightenment period.Maciej Stanisław Rąpalski is the group’s founder and artistic director.
- The Cagliari Ballet Group (Sardinia, Italy)
The Capriccio Italiano (Italian Caprice) show, prepared by the Cagliari Ballet Group (Sardinia, Italy), transported the audience into the world of Italian carnival and masks.The mosaic of dances was crowned by a dynamic Tarantella. The choreography for the performance was prepared by Anna Kurkuba, who collaborates with the group on a daily basis.
- The “Compagnie Outre Mesure” group (France)
The evening’s closing performance was a concert of Renaissance music and poetry entitled Le petit velours, composed by the artists of “Compagnie Outre Mesure” (France). The group was formed in 2000 and consists of professional artists, including:instrumentalists, singers, dancers, comedians, and lutenists.They specialise in performing dance music accompanying historical dances, but also as an independent concert form.During the concert at Villa Decius, Compagnie Outre Mesure invited the audience on a journey to Europe of the Renaissance, performing more than 20 pieces by 16th-century composers, using instruments that were copies of their historical models.