Lectures, workshops and debates on the challenges of the modern world – recruitment to the 17th Visegrad Summer School.
The Visegrad Summer School is a series of trainings addressed to young people from the Visegrad Group and Eastern Europe countries, implemented since 2002 by the Villa Decius Association in Krakow. This year’s edition will be held under leitmotif INSPIRE SHAPE CONNECT and will take place on July 1-14. The first week includes lectures and debates that will be conducted by distinguished experts from all over Europe. The second week will be filled by intensive workshops in the fields of ACADEMIA, BUISNESS and CULTURAL DIPLOMACY.
Programme of VSS will widen perspectives and INSPIRE via lectures and debates dedicated to global and regional political, economic, cultural and societal issues. It will also address current developments and burning problems within the EU and the neighboring countries. The important
component of 17. VSS that will be SHAPEing attitudes in the course of intensive laboratories held in the field of ACADEMIA and CULTURAL DIPLOMACY, led by top professionals in the field. Among VSS special events and extracurricular activities that are designed to enhance a long-term
CONNECTions are: integration workshop, multicultural garden party, study visits, cultural events, and recreation. The project gives a chance to gain experience under supervision of experts in multicultural environment.
Up to now more than 700 people took part in the previous editions of the Visegrad Summer School, and the project was awarded the International Visegrad Prize, established by the Ministers of Culture of Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.
An unique opportunity to cooperate with outstanding experts and intellectuals
Lectures, workshops and debates are conducted by recognized experts representing various fields: Ambassadors, Ministers, representatives of the European Union, academics, politicians, businessmen, journalists, artists, representatives of the administration, local government and nongovernmental
The addressees are students, PhD students, young teachers, entrepreneurs, journalists and
activists from the Visegrad Group countries, as well as Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.
Persons wishing to take part in this year’s edition of the program can apply online via https://goo.gl/forms/iFdodJ6byVZy3T6H3.
Applications are accepted from March 1 to March 31, 2018.
Contact: summerschool@villa.org.pl
Information about the project: www.visegradsummerschool.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/VisegradSummerSchool/