
4th Visegrad Summer School

The aim of the Visegrad Summer School is to provide an attractive and alternative learning space for young people from Central Europe and enable them to get acquainted with the most important social, security, economic, political and cultural issues which may reinforce or inhibit their European co-operation. 45 students, graduates, PhD researchers, young journalists and teachers from Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Belarus, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Poland will deepen their knowledge about ever-changing political, social and economic reality of the continent, make international friendships and meet most outstanding European experts.


Intellectuals, scientists, politicians, representatives of business and non-governmental organisations as well as journalists and artists will conduct seminars, workshops, lectures and debates.


Among important topics of the fourth edition of the Visegrad Summer School we will propose reflections and experiences resulting from „being European”, EU agenda for countries like Ukraine and Turkey including the role of Visegrad countries in the process, political perspectives for United Nations, globalisation, regional partnerships and various areas of cooperation. Some of our lectures, workshops and debates will be devoted to most important social and cultural issues – contemporary revolutions, V4 stereotypes as depicted in arts.


The Visegrad Summer School is one of the most recognised forms of education and co-operation of young people in Central Europe . Considering independent and innovative projects devised and developed by its students, the Visegrad Summer School is becoming a place for creation of new forms of co-operation of students, young researchers and NGOs from V4+ countries.

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