Zapraszamy Państwa na wykład profesora Richarda Wolina pt. „Wind from the East”, który odbędzie się 24 Lutego 2011, o godzinie 18:00 w Willi Decjusza. Fundatorem projektu jest Res Publica Nowa. Spotkanie będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim. Wstęp wolny.
Richard Wolin – Distinguished Professor of History at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, has taught at Reed College, Rice University, and the University of Paris. He is the author of Heidegger’s Children: Hannah Arendt, Karl Löwith, Hans Jonas, and Herbert Marcuse, The Seduction of Unreason: the Intellectual Romance with Fascism from Nietzsche to Postmodernism, and, most recently, The Wind From the East: French Intellectuals, the Cultural Revolution and the Legacy of the 1960s (all published by Princeton University Press). He frequently writes on political themes for the Nation, Dissent, and the New Republic. His books have been translated into ten languages. He has previously lectured in Lodz, Krakow, and Warsaw.
Katarzyna Renes